VEMT Community Builder

[vcex_image_banner img_size=”2048×2048″ heading=”VEMT Community Builder” heading_tag=”h1″ caption=”Connect people, followers and fans” overlay=”false” button=”true” button_text=”Schedule a Demo” image=”7221″ heading_color=”#133a42″ heading_font_size=”45″ caption_font_size=”30″ button_style=”flat” button_border_radius=”5″ content_width=”90%” caption_color=”#133a42″ caption_letter_spacing=”2″ link=”|title:Audience%20Builder%20Form||” button_font_weight=”600″ heading_font_weight=”900″ caption_font_weight=”900″]

You want a Community Builder. Why?

People want to connect with each other more than ever. But there are also more barriers to do so.

VEMT Community Builder offers solutions.

VEMT Community

Creating a digitally managed community is the way to go if you are a museum finding out new ways to manage your mission, if you run an assisted living facility and cannot receive visitors, an artist moving to a direct business model or if you are an social media influencer who wants to create more independence from each individual channel.

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What are great Community Builder use cases?

[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”Influencers & Artists” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”far fa-thumbs-up” heading_color=”#133a42″ css=”.vc_custom_1589215850521{padding-top: 15px !important;}”]Social Media Influencers and artists are heavily dependent on powerful platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, etc to build and manage their audience. It’s your audience, but if they change the rules, you are faced with loss of audience, extra costs and challenges in reaching your fans and followers in the way you prefer. Now build relationships directly and increase revenue as well.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_button onclick=”internal_link” size=”medium” internal_link=”|title:Make%20an%20appointment%20with%20VEMT||” align=”center” style=”clean” custom_color=”#133a42″ custom_hover_color=”#f53e1f” border_radius=”5″]I want a demo[/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”Elderly Communities” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fas fa-hotel” heading_color=”#133a42″ css=”.vc_custom_1589214644649{padding-top: 15px !important;}”]Covid-19 proved to impact Elderly Communities (like in assisted living facilities) very much. Not only the virus, but also its social consequences took their toll. Now you can connect clients with their (international) families and inform families about the care you provide to their elderly loved ones.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_button onclick=”internal_link” size=”medium” internal_link=”|title:Make%20an%20appointment%20with%20VEMT||” align=”center” style=”clean” custom_color=”#133a42″ custom_hover_color=”#f53e1f” border_radius=”5″]I want a demo[/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”Museums & Galleries” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fas fa-palette” heading_color=”#133a42″ css=”.vc_custom_1589216032724{padding-top: 15px !important;}”]Museums, galleries and other physical spaces where people used to gather face significant challenges in the Covid-19 world that endanger their business model and/or mission. Building a digital community solves many of these challenges and can add new opportunities. Don’t reinvent the wheel and use the best tools for building and managing communities.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_button onclick=”internal_link” size=”medium” internal_link=”|title:Make%20an%20appointment%20with%20VEMT||” align=”center” style=”clean” custom_color=”#133a42″ custom_hover_color=”#f53e1f” border_radius=”5″]I want a demo[/vcex_button]
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What is unique to the VEMT Community Builder?

VEMT’s Experience & Loyalty Cloud is an integrated platform. It is created in‑house (not acquired in bits and pieces). Because no integrations are required, this saves you time and head aches. This results in the strongest Audience Builder around with real-time available data.

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In the VEMT Community Builder, you’ll get a more than 360 view on your family, followers, friends or fans because we include their relationships with friends, family, co-workers and peers. This allows for a unique perspective on your connections, but also how they are related among each other.

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Action oriented. In the VEMT Community Builder you apply actions wherever you need them. Avoid the hassle of going to other tools for e-mail, SMS, rewards, coupons, merchandise shopping and apply actions now immediately.

[vcex_spacing size=”15px”][vcex_button onclick=”internal_link” size=”medium” internal_link=”|title:Contact||” style=”flat” align=”center” custom_color=”#ffffff” border_radius=”5″ margin=”top:20|bottom:20″ custom_hover_color=”#133a42″]Want to start managing your community today?[/vcex_button]