Loyalty has always been the secret ingredient to success for the hospitality industry. Regular guests don’t just boost revenue—if they…

Does good beer create better loyalty?
The craft of making good beer requires dedication, knowledge, skills, precision and hygiene. No wonder that the VEMT development team felt like that was a good task for them, so we teamed up with the wonderful people of The TeamBrouwerij in Amsterdam to make that happen. In the heart of Amsterdam’s red light district in Mata Hari, the team learned the skills, shared the knowledge and created 2 beautiful beers: ‘Hot Marilyn’ (a blond beer) and ‘Stoute Betty’ (the dark one). In a few weeks from now, we will experience if the beers will live up to the expectation: the tasting session will be in the VEMT offices in Amsterdam.
And now the question in the title: does good beer create better loyalty? Since we are a data driven company, we’d rather look at the facts than at opinions. The fact is that since we brewed the craft beer, we have landed two new great clients in a very short time. Now, the data says that good beer is highly correlated with landing new clients. A long term study will later confirm how loyal they will to VEMT. We’ll update you on that in a few years from now. Proost!