[vcex_image_banner img_size=”2048×2048″ overlay=”false” heading=”VEMT Hospitality Marketing Automation” caption=”Save time with powerful Marketing Automations” button=”true” button_text=”Schedule a Demo” heading_tag=”h1″ image=”7221″ heading_color=”#133a42″ heading_font_size=”45″ caption_font_size=”30″ button_style=”flat” button_border_radius=”5″ content_width=”90%” caption_color=”#133a42″ caption_letter_spacing=”2″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fvemt-496df2.ingress-daribow.ewp.live%2Fcdp-form%2F|title:CDP%20Form||” button_font_weight=”600″ heading_font_weight=”900″ caption_font_weight=”900″]
[vcex_spacing size=”20px”][vcex_feature_box heading=”Hospitality Marketing Automation saves time and increases impact” content_width=”60%” media_width=”40%” img_size=”full” image=”8059″]You know that many restaurants, hotels, etc suffer from a return visit rate of customers under 30%. Delivering Personalized Experiences to your guests can improve this dramatically, without costing you much time. You can use marketing automation to make guests come back more often and tell their friends about their great experience. It all starts with reservations or site visits, after which you can improve retention dramatically by staying in touch. Marketing Automation is an important part of the solution.[/vcex_feature_box][vcex_spacing size=”15px”][vcex_button onclick=”internal_link” size=”medium” internal_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fvemt-496df2.ingress-daribow.ewp.live%2Fcontact%2F|title:Contact||” style=”flat” align=”center” custom_color=”#ffffff” border_radius=”5″ margin=”top:20|bottom:20″ custom_hover_color=”#133a42″ text_source=”custom_text”]Want to start with marketing automation today?[/vcex_button]
[vcex_animated_text strings=”%5B%7B%22text%22%3A%22Use%20cases%20for%20Hospitality%20Marketing%20Automation%22%7D%2C%7B%22text%22%3A%22Find%20yours%22%7D%2C%7B%22text%22%3A%22And%20ask%20us%20to%20make%20a%20start%20today!%22%7D%5D” type_cursor=”true” back_delay=”700″ tag=”h2″ font_weight=”bold” text_align=”center” font_family=”Lato” color=”#133a42″][vcex_spacing size=”20px”]
[vcex_teaser heading=”Increase interactions” image=”8075″]Stay top-of-mind. Automatically send emails based on (the lack of) interactions. Reservations, orders, visits, subscribes, inactivity, site visits, use of giftcards/ coupons… many more. Templates allow for a quick start.[/vcex_teaser]
[vcex_teaser heading=”Send Dining Memories” image=”8077″]What’s nicer than a beautiful memory? Automate reminding customers about their dinner of 1 or 2 years ago. Smart: optionally only for inactive customers. For loyalty members, you can even store their company and the menu.[/vcex_teaser]
[vcex_teaser heading=”Review / Survey requests” image=”8079″]Automatically ask for reviews or survey participation and process the results automatically.[/vcex_teaser]
[vcex_teaser heading=”Thank first-timers” image=”8080″]Extend the first-time experience and send a ‘thank you‘ mail with offer to persuade them coming back soon.[/vcex_teaser]
[vcex_teaser heading=”Reservation Reminder” image=”8082″]Increase show-ups and remind your guests friendly about the reservation for tomorrow. Automatically.[/vcex_teaser]
[vcex_teaser heading=”Birthday offers” image=”8083″]Create offers to mail people with a birthday coming up. Or to their partners to help them organize a surprise dinner![/vcex_teaser]
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Marketing automation can bring many things to your restaurant, hotel, catering business or other hospitality or leisure business. At VEMT, we see that most of our clients benefit from the following results:
- It helps collecting customer data automatically
- It saves time, while keeping continuous and personalized customer engagement and interaction
- It helps you respond at the most relevant moments; when an automation is triggered, you respond at the right time.
- It increases loyalty, due to the fact that you stay top-of-mind and respond at relevant moments.
Don’t wait any longer and increase your marketing impact, automate work and collect data for even better interactions. Connect with VEMT to start quickly.