Reasons to choose for VEMT’s Experience & Loyalty Cloud

Reasons to choose for VEMT’s Experience & Loyalty Cloud

Find out what your reasons are to choose for the VEMT Experience & Loyalty Cloud

For every organization and every sector, there are matching VEMT CX-Flows.

[vcex_divider color=”#888888″ width=”10%” margin_top=”30px” margin_bottom=”45px” icon_color=”#000000″ icon_size=”14px” height=”1px”]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”The best business case” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-signal” icon_color=”#f5ad29″ icon_size=”36px”]Impressive turnover growth results at a low cost-of-ownership level.

Replacement of several point-solutions.

These deliver the best available business case in the market. It’s that simple.[/vcex_icon_box]

[vcex_icon_box heading=”Ease of use” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#f5ad29″ icon_size=”36px”]Avoid the learning curve of Marketo, SalesForce, Hubspot or alike and start creating marketing results right away.

Despite the great quality of our manuals and videos, they are rarely used. And that’s how it should be. Just start creating.[/vcex_icon_box]

[vcex_icon_box heading=”Completeness” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-cubes” icon_color=”#f5ad29″ icon_size=”36px”]Our modules cover the complete customer journey and replace point solutions. CRM, Customer Data Platform, Campaigns. You name it.

If you want to keep them anyway: no problem. Our full featured API’s integrate with all in-house systems you want to keep.[/vcex_icon_box]

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[vcex_icon_box heading=”Expertise of the VEMT team” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-graduation-cap” icon_color=”#f5ad29″ icon_size=”36px”]The VEMT team is a very active, very knowledgeable partner, not just a supplier. We don’t just deliver, we create and maintain the solution together. Ask our clients about this.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”Speed of implementation” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-fighter-jet” icon_color=”#f5ad29″ icon_size=”36px”]Using our robust default modules, our sector specific configurations and the extensive eco-system of the VEMT Experience & Loyalty Cloud, you can be up and running fast. Through fast prototyping, we can arrange custom requirements and special integrations in a breeze.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”The uniqueness of the CX Manager and Audience Builder” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-crosshairs” icon_color=”#f5ad29″ icon_size=”36px”]Not limited to e-mail automation, not limited to drip nurturing, not waiting for campaign planning: The CX-Flow Manager delivers the most powerful real-time Customer Experience Management tool you have seen. Including personalized offers, segmentation, anti-churn strategies and on boarding automation.[/vcex_icon_box]


Assess, Choose, Go!

[vcex_divider color=”#888888″ width=”10%” margin_top=”30px” margin_bottom=”45px” icon_color=”#000000″ icon_size=”14px” height=”1px”]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”STEP 1: Listen” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#eeeeee” icon_size=”60px” icon_background=”#f5ad29″ icon_border_radius=”50%” icon_width=”100px” icon_height=”100px” heading_weight=”300″]We listen to your expectations, ideas, ambitions, team, customers. Your brand DNA and culture are important to the success we deliver. We provide feedback, ask questions and make sure we’re on the same page.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”STEP 2: Propose” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-random” icon_color=”#eeeeee” icon_size=”60px” icon_background=”#f5ad29″ icon_border_radius=”50%” icon_width=”100px” icon_height=”100px” heading_weight=”300″]Based on your input, we propose the best solution, including timelines, budget and required resources. In various scenarios, if you want to.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”STEP 3: Integrate” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-refresh” icon_color=”#eeeeee” icon_size=”60px” icon_background=”#f5ad29″ icon_border_radius=”50%” icon_width=”100px” icon_height=”100px” heading_weight=”300″]We integrate our CXM with your infrastructure: POS, ERP, webshop, in-house systems, beacons, camera’s, etc. And we configure (or build) customizations.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”STEP 4: Test and Go live!” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#eeeeee” icon_size=”60px” icon_background=”#f5ad29″ icon_border_radius=”50%” icon_width=”100px” icon_height=”100px” heading_weight=”300″]Together we test and give our thumbs up: the program goes live![/vcex_icon_box]

Make an appointment to profit from the opportunities the VEMT Experience & Loyalty Cloud offers.

[vcex_button css_animation=”appear” url=”” hover_animation=”pulse-grow” title=”Straight to an appointment” style=”flat” align=”center” font_family=”Lato” font_weight=”300″ custom_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”24px” icon_right=”fa fa-arrow-right” icon_right_padding=”10″]Straight to an appointment[/vcex_button]