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VEMT - The Experience & Loyalty Cloud
The VEMT Experience & Loyalty Cloud

Composable Commerce; what should I know and do?

Composable Commerce is a hot topic. It is seen by many as the future of eCommerce. This article describes what it is and what to do next.   TL;DR ; summary With Composable Commerce, digital teams of brands and retailers select and assemble "best-of-breed" commerce solutions with the goal to better handle the fast changing business requirements and technology changes…

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Marketer: do you experience elastic or inelastic demand?

The pandemic is still there. But growing vaccination rates cause consumers to return to pre-pandemic behavior… or aren’t they? This is a crucial question for marketers like you: are your customers picking up old patterns again (including purchasing your products or services), or won’t they? And what are you going to do about it? Elastic or inelastic demand Part of…

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CXM Key Principles VEMT

7 Key Principles in Customer Experience Management Marketing

The priority of Customer Experience Management (CXM) is fast growing and marketers are learning quickly on how to deal with this perspective. To support this learning process, VEMT summarizes our field-practices and formulates 7 key principles that marketers should use to apply, learn about and teach others about Customer Experience Management. CXM is a culture, not a project It should…

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Huge growth loyalty due to pandemic economy

Huge growth in loyalty in the 2020 pandemic economy

The pandemic economy has led to a strongly increased awareness and a strong reactivation of loyalty and retention programs by marketers globally. We see that 2 trends reinforced each other, leading to a significant higher demand of loyalty and customer experience management expertise and tools. Trend 1: Renewed priority of current customers A renewed consideration of the importance of existing…

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VEMT introduces the most actionable Audience Builder

With the VEMT Audience Builder, companies can create advanced segments to target, personalize and persuade customers. It uniquely offers selections based on relationships and allows marketers to directly execute more actions than any other Audience Builder in the market today. The Audience Builder is the newest addition to the most feature-rich Customer Experience Management platform: the VEMT CX & Loyalty…

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What are the best Loyalty Metrics to use?

Although it is clear that companies don't start loyalty programs without pursuing a goal, there are surprising little companies that express those goals in measurable KPI's or loyalty metrics, and that monitor those consistently. At first sight, that is remarkable: why would you invest in a serious program without checking what it delivers? When you go a bit deeper, you start…

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Marketing now fully embraces technology

One of the blogs we like to read most is Scott Brinkers's Chief Marketing Technology or Chief Martec. It's a neverending source of inspiring analysis about what's going on in Marketing Technology and Marketing itself. Today, we got inspired by something that Scott poste about a new research done by DataXu. They have created a quantitative study on the state of marketing technology…

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State of Marketing 2016

An impressive report (71 pages) was issued by SalesForce this week about the 'State of Marketing'. It's well worth a read, but for those of you who don't have that time, we'd like to summarize the most important findings. It basically comes down that Marketing today is all about customer engagement and experience. The 2016 State of Marketing report is based on the…

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