Track Order Flow

[vcex_image_banner img_size=”2048×2048″ overlay=”false” heading=”CX-Flows: Track Order Flow” caption=”Turn order tracking into a profitable marketing channel” button=”true” button_text=”Schedule a Demo” heading_tag=”h1″ image=”7221″ heading_color=”#133a42″ heading_font_size=”45″ caption_font_size=”30″ button_style=”flat” button_border_radius=”5″ content_width=”90%” caption_color=”#133a42″ caption_letter_spacing=”2″ link=”|title:Audience%20Builder%20Form||” button_font_weight=”600″ heading_font_weight=”900″ caption_font_weight=”900″]
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Customers check tracking codes 4.7x each order

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You can use these high-attention interactions to build brand loyalty and drive revenue through a memorable, branded order tracking experience using VEMT. It’s called shipment marketing.

Tracking Order Flow

What does the Track Order Flow deliver?

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[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”Revenue at every touchpoint” icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-coins” heading_type=”h2″ heading_color=”#133a42″ css=”.vc_custom_1602841802321{padding-top: 25px !important;}”]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”Personalized Messaging” icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-fingerprint” heading_type=”h2″ heading_color=”#133a42″ css=”.vc_custom_1602841817002{padding-top: 25px !important;}”]Customized emails, SMS or chats from your brand rather than from a courier. Inform customers better by providing your context and personalization. Result: more engagement, more cross-selling and less customer service load.

You want to keep control over the customer experience of your clients, right?[/vcex_icon_box]

[vcex_icon_box style=”two” alignment=”center” heading=”More Repeat Revenue” icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-redo” heading_type=”h2″ heading_color=”#133a42″ css=”.vc_custom_1602751881767{padding-top: 25px !important;}”]You know that adding ‘recommended products in the shopping cart’ drives extra revenue.

What do you think adding ‘Recommended products in tracking information’ does?

It drives more revenue.

Let’s not wait to implement that.[/vcex_icon_box]

How can you extend the Track Order Flow?

The customer journey doesn’t end at delivery. Through direct contact, you can ask for feedback right away. Through rewarding with points, a coupon or exclusive benefits, you ask the recipient for feedback and ratings on ‘unboxing’/unpacking, the quality of the delivery and/or the first use of the product.

You can add the option to share the review with others, so feedback turns into content. You can add offers for friends, so an order becomes a referral. And of course, you can approach your customer with follow up offers so repeat sales increase.

Track Order Flow
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Would you like to start offering the Order Tracking Flow?

Don’t hesitate and start offering the Order Tracking Flow today. There’s never an excuse to wait generating extra revenue and deliver better customer experiences. It’s simple to start offering this CX-Flow to your customers using VEMT’s Experience & Loyalty Cloud.

[vcex_spacing size=”10px”][vcex_button onclick=”internal_link” size=”medium” internal_link=”” style=”flat” align=”center” custom_color=”#ffffff” border_radius=”5″ margin=”top:20|bottom:20″ custom_hover_color=”#133a42″]I’d like to see a demo[/vcex_button]
Track Order Flow