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The VEMT Experience & Loyalty Cloud

The Lisbon Web Summit has started!

VEMT is present at the Lisbon WebSummit and will integrate the inspiration, stories, lessons and more into our products. Later more on the experiences of the VEMT team in Lisbon. If you want to meet us, let us know through…

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Are you our next Business Development Executive?

We're expanding our team again and we're looking for a Business Development Executive? Are you the one? Please check it out and let us know.  

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Owler gives high scores to VEMT

We just saw this overview popping up in our mails and we could not resist to make a screenshot. VEMT's CEO scores well in the midst of some interesting names. After reading this score, we're very convinced that Owler is a…

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VEMT starts building another Pan-European Program

Today, VEMT started building another Pan-European CRM and Loyalty program for a retail client. The basis for the program is our Persuasion Planner and CRM platform. The program will roll out to six countries, no less, adding our first presence…

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More than a million in one program

Yes, it's done! We do now have a persuasion program running now with more than a million people in it! We're quite proud on this one and will update more about this later.

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Sustainability and Persuasion Marketing; an interesting combination (Video)

VEMT CEO Jeroen Nas speaks at the event "Towards Restorative Value Chains" in 'De Groene Bocht' in Amsterdam at December 10th, 2013 about opportunities for new ways to tap into consumer markets. In his presentation, Jeroen made the connection between…

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